The following pieces were written by members of the GLI team at the 2016 EITI Conference, in Lima, Peru. The GLI Team consists of Greg Chappell Van Gilst, Laura D'Henin, Eleanor Horn, Winfred Syombua, Ahmad Rizky Umar, and Megan Wynne.
Conference Blogs
Winfred Syombua - Making EITI Inclusive: Parliaments in the Global South
Ahmad Rizky M. Umar - Chinese Investments and the EITI: The Need for Deep Engagement
Eleanor Horn - Getting more out of EITI data: Incorporating Data Standardisation into EITI reporting
Policy Briefs
D'Henin - Community Participation, The Key for Future Success of the EITI
Megan Wynne - How EITI involvement can benefit Corporations
Wynne - The Role of EITI Reporting in Enhancing Industry Engagement
Syombua - Improving Natural Resource Governance Through Beneficiary Ownership Disclosures